Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

  • What services does Edge Energy Performance Company Ltd. provide?

    We offer a comprehensive range of energy efficiency solutions, including energy assessments, insulation installation, renewable energy systems, heating solutions, and energy-efficient home improvements.

  • Why should I choose Edge Energy Performance Company Ltd.?

    We are dedicated to providing top-quality services with a focus on sustainability, customer satisfaction, and cost savings. Our team consists of certified professionals with extensive experience in the energy sector.

    See why HERE

  • How do I get started with your services?

    You can start by contacting us via our form HERE, phone, or email to schedule an initial consultation. We will assess your needs and provide a tailored solution to improve your energy efficiency.

  • What if I need work done that isn’t listed on your website?

    Our website showcases a range of our services, but it is not exhaustive. If you require a service not listed, we can often help through our network of trusted partners. View our Partners HERE

Customer Support

  • How do I contact customer support?

    You can reach our customer support team via phone, email, or the contact form on our website. We are committed to providing prompt and helpful assistance.

  • What should I do if I experience an issue with my installation?

    If you encounter any issues, please contact our customer support team immediately. We will schedule a visit to inspect the problem and provide a swift resolution.

    View our complaints procedure here

  • Do you offer warranties on your installations?

    Yes, all our installations come with a comprehensive warranty to ensure your peace of mind. The warranty details will be provided during the consultation.

  • I've received a letter from you. Is this real?

    If you have received a letter from us, it is specific to your property and indicates that we are working in the area for a neighbour. We perform a desktop assessment of nearby properties to advise on what you might be entitled to.

Grants and Eligibility

  • How long does it take to check if I qualify for a grant?

    It only takes a few minutes over the phone to determine your eligibility for funding. We can quickly inform you about the grants and financial assistance you can receive.

    If you would rather check your eligibility online you can do so by CLICKING HERE

  • Can I get a free boiler?

    There are schemes available through which we can provide free boilers, mainly for homeowners. Landlords and tenants might be eligible for an air source heat pump depending on their eligibility.

  • What is the Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS)?

    The Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS) is a government initiative aimed at helping households improve their energy efficiency through grants and support for insulation and other energy-saving measures.

    Want to know more? We have a page dedicated to GBIS

  • I'm receive benefits. What can I get?

    If you are receiving benefits, you may qualify for energy efficiency improvements through the Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) scheme. This could include insulation, heating systems, and more.

    Want t know more? See our page dedicated to ECO4.

  • I'm not on benefits. What can I get?

    If you do not receive any benefits or pension credits, you may still qualify for support through the Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS). This scheme offers various incentives for energy efficiency improvements.

  • I receive pension credits. What do I get?

    If you are on pension credits, you may be eligible for various energy efficiency improvements under schemes like ECO4 and GBIS, which could include insulation, heating upgrades, and more.

  • ECO4 sounds too good to be true. Is it?

    No, the ECO4 scheme is a legitimate government initiative designed to help households improve energy efficiency and reduce energy bills. It offers substantial support for eligible properties.

Insulation and Home Improvements

  • What types of insulation do you offer?

    We provide various insulation solutions, including cavity wall insulation, loft insulation, solid wall insulation, and floor insulation, tailored to meet your specific needs.

  • How do I know if my home needs better insulation?

    Signs that your home may need better insulation include uneven temperatures, high energy bills, and draughty rooms. Our energy assessment can determine the best insulation solutions for your home.

  • How long does it take to install insulation?

    Installation time varies based on the type and scope of insulation work. On average, most projects can be completed within a day or two.

  • Can I get a grant to insulate my loft?

    Yes, grants are available to help cover the cost of loft insulation. Your loft must currently have insulation of 15cm or less if is only loft insulation we are providing.

  • Are there grants for insulation?

    Yes, there are various grants available to help with the cost of insulation, ensuring your home remains energy efficient.

    Contact Us and we’ll advise what you are eligible for.

Energy Assessments

  • What is an energy assessment?

    An energy assessment is a thorough examination of your property to identify areas where you can improve energy efficiency, reduce consumption, and save on utility bills.

  • How long does an energy assessment take?

    The duration of an energy assessment depends on the size and complexity of your property. Typically, it takes between 1 to 3 hours.

  • What will I receive after the assessment?

    You will receive a detailed report highlighting the current energy performance of your property, recommendations for improvements, and potential savings.

  • Do I have to pay for the assessment?

    If the assessment is part of ECO4 or GBIS funded works the yor assessment is completely FREE OF CHARGE.

Renewable Energy Solutions

  • What renewable energy solutions do you offer?

    We specialise in the installation of solar panels, heat pumps, and biomass boilers, providing sustainable and cost-effective energy solutions for your property.

  • Are there any incentives for installing renewable energy systems?

    Yes, there are various government incentives and grants available to support the installation of renewable energy systems. We can help you navigate these options and maximise your benefits.

    Currently you can get £7,500 grant on the Boiler Upgrade Scheme for replacing you existing boiler with a het pump.

  • How much can I save by switching to renewable energy?

    Savings depend on several factors, including your current energy usage, the type of renewable system installed, and available incentives. Our team will provide a detailed savings estimate during the consultation.

Financing and Costs

  • Do you offer financing options for energy improvements?

    Yes, we offer flexible financing options to make energy improvements more accessible. Our team can help you find a plan that fits your budget.

  • How much do your services cost?

    Costs vary based on the specific services and solutions required. We provide transparent pricing and detailed quotes after the initial assessment. For ECO4 & GBIS funded customers there is unlikely to be additional costs to you.

  • Are there any ongoing maintenance costs?

    Maintenance costs depend on the type of system or improvements installed. Renewable energy systems may require periodic maintenance to ensure optimal performance, and we offer maintenance packages to keep your systems running efficiently.

Energy Usage

  • Do storage heaters use much electricity?

    Storage heaters can use a significant amount of electricity, especially if they are older models. However, modern storage heaters are more energy-efficient and can help manage electricity consumption better. An energy assessment can help determine if upgrading your storage heaters would be beneficial.