Armed Forces Covenant

We are thrilled to announce that EDGE Energy Performance Company has proudly signed the Armed Forces Covenant, reaffirming our commitment to supporting the men and women who serve in our nation's military.

At EDGE Energy Performance, we recognise the invaluable skills, dedication, and experiences that members of the armed forces bring to the workplace. By signing the Armed Forces Covenant, we pledge to provide increased support to veterans, reservists, and their families. This includes ensuring fair recruitment processes, offering flexible working conditions for reservists, and fostering a supportive environment for those transitioning from military to civilian life.

Our commitment extends beyond employment opportunities. We are dedicated to participating in community initiatives that support the armed forces community and contributing to programs that enhance their well-being.

We believe that our partnership with the Armed Forces Covenant will not only strengthen our workforce but also enrich our company culture with the values of loyalty, resilience, and excellence that our military personnel exemplify.

Thank you for your continued support as we embark on this important journey. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who have dedicated themselves to serving our country.

Stay tuned for more updates and initiatives as we actively work to honor our commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant.




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